A case against lobbyist, in defense of the American dream

Lobbyist use political propaganda to put us into more uncompromising positions than a karma sutra book.

Where the democratic and republican parties are secretly in bed with each other, and publicly mask lies with provocative language and seductive wordplay to get us emotionally aroused, so that they can fu*k us out of our ability to give informed consent to anything that supports their hidden agendas.

How can we prosper in a society where it’s legal for either political party to spike the punch, and rape us of our ability to make life altering decisions of sound mind?

Especially when both parties are behind the scenes drunk with power, toasting to our demise?

Some would argue that we live in a democracy, and Uncle Sam is just giving us what we want.

But under no uncertain terms can the government plead “you can’t rape the willing” as a defense.

The government can’t give the people what they want if he spikes the punch and manipulates their choices.

And contrary to popular belief, Uncle Sam isn’t the designated driver of our lives.

Government is supposed to be “limited.” So Uncle Sam should be in the back seat where he can’t drive the economy in the ground.

We don’t need directions.

We need a political system that isn’t rigged.

Not a government that cock-blocks and cancels any third party that seduces the masses with titillating truths, out of fear of rejection.

Should it be legal for lobbyists to advocate on behalf of corporate interests, cancel opposing opinions, and cut the mics of those who contradict the governments malicious narratives, and ban them from all notable platforms?

Is it ethical to have lobbyists advocate on behalf of big business, and no one to advocate on behalf of the average Joe?

Do we really have freedom of speech if we’re only permitted to parrot the bureaucrats who serve as mascots for the oligarchy?

Why do we allow lobbyist to advocate on behalf of corporate interest, and against the American people?

Why is it that the only “people” who matter, are major corporations who’ve been bought, and prostituted by the oligarchy?

Why do we extend human rights to corporations, which will likely include Artificial intelligence, without any of the real consequences we have to face for doing wrong?

Freedom is an optical illusion in an assimilated reality, and our worldview is maliciously distorted.

Instead of allowing the government to deflect and divide us by staging fights over trivial bullsh*t like who’s fucking who, what colors they are, and how they should be identified.

We need to shift our attention to fighting our real enemy: Uncle Sam.

We need to overturn all legislation that deems corporations “people,” who are essentially corporate criminals without consequences, so that “we the people” can actually compete in the “free market.”

We need to stop being seduced by the easy money that comes with fucking old motherfu*kers with money like Uncle Sam in the form of stimulus checks, that serve as leverage to give him power over us.

We need to stop being so tolerate of his controlling, abusive behavior for fear of what would happen if we were to take control of, and be held accountable for our own lives.

We need to stop allowing Uncle Sam to blatantly disregard our privacy, because his worst fear us taking back our freedom and independence.

Otherwise both political parties will continue to take turns running trains on our ass*s.

We need stop playing the victim, and take an active role in the political process, and overthrow it if necessary.

And we need to stop allowing Uncle Sam to fu*k us over.

We need to stop faking it, hoping the sodomy will end sooner without a fight.

We need to stop waiting for someone to step up, or our freedom is out of the question.

We have to start a revolution, without it, freedom will remain an illusion.