Immigration in America: problem, or ponzi scheme?

Immigration is the cornerstone of corporate America’s business model, which was built on indentured slavery.

It was sold as the American dream to import immigrants in exchange for cheap labor to whitewash America and gain power and status over the indigenous people, who are commonly classified as black people today. 

Trade Laws for human cargo resources

The government has a long history of importing “undesirables” in record numbers to serve as indentured slaves, and providing them financial incentives and illegally seized land in exchage for cheap labor and an elevated status to whitewash America by artificially inflating their numbers to gain power via the majority vote.

It illegally sanctioned this transfer of wealth and power by instituting a class system based on race as social construct, and marrying it with religion and eugenics to justify fu*king blacks over with no lube and no conscience. 

And the government is still running trains today. Publicly pretending it has an immigration problem that it privately funds and perpetuates.

One of many schemes it disguises as philanthropy.

The real meaning of race:

“Whites” are immigrants and descendents of immigrants who stand to gain from the transfer of the illegally seized land, goods and services regardless of country of origin, complexion or class. In other words, everybody but America’s indigenous people.

“Blacks” are America’s indigenous people, who are victimized, exported and disenfranchised using legislation, social engineering and cultural stigmatization to illegally seize and reallocate their land, goods, and extort their services using the prison system.

The birth of a nation the ruling class:

The government assassinated the aboriginals via paper genocide and disenfranchised the survivors to institute  the ruling class system.

Which gave them the authority to indoctrinate future generations, fabricate history and create new social norms to whitewash America while forcing blacks to debounce their proud heritage and forfeit their birthright to land and power.

To expedite the transfer of wealth and power, blacks were separated from their elders, enslaved and exported to other countries, including Cuba, Jamaica, and Europe while America was simultaneously being whitewashed with an influx of immigrants. 

Blacks who remained in America were told by their oppressors that they were descendants of Africans to conceal the truth, which is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Race wars explained:

Race wars were stagged by the government when it imposed legislation that suppressed blacks using discriminatory practices based on a class system it implemented to create the fallacy of white supremacy.

European peasants, criminals and rejects of all complexions were classified as “white,” and given a superiority complex by the government via legislation, government regulations, miseducation, media and social engineering supported by pseudoscience and fair-skinned bigots who feared extinction as the result of the intermingling of races, to justify their oppression of blacks and artificially inflate their numbers.

These practices are still in place to this day, disguised as an “immigration problem.”

In reality, it’s an open door policy that the government publicly pretends it’s trying to fix, but covertly finances off camera to maximize profits with the importation of cheap labor, and political movements to export blacks and extort free labor.

Our problem is having a system based on  race.

Race wars occur when blacks fight for their land, identifies, properties, and  ethnicities; or challenge the legitimacy of discriminatory laws and practices; or when beneficiaries of the class system fear they have something to lose.

Who funds the American dream?

It’s precisely the “immigration problem” that funds the “American Dream,” and the aboriginal nightmare.

Immigration isn’t a problem in America: it’s the cornerstone of its business model, and how the American dream is financed and leased to the descendents of the legislators.

The cover up:

The government erased the indigenous people by implementing a system that classified America’s inventory of human commodities by race.

Religion and eugenics were married to justify fu*king blacks over and divorcing them from their heritage and making it illegal for them to declare their true identities, retain any trace of their culture or state claim to their bloodline.

The gospel was then spread via indoctrination after mandating all minors participate in social engineering experiments in government facilities called schools, to force compliance and conformity. 

After the government took custody of our children, it trained them to appeal to authorities, or government employees in any capacity, and to regard the wisdom and practices of their ancestors as primitive.

The proud history of black  people was replaced with blatant lies about who they are, where they came from and the American slave trade.

And descendents whites, especially European peasants, were given a superiority complex.

These lies were then exported globally using the media and legislation to control the flow of false information to keep the lies in sync.

All the sh*t we were taught in school about Africa, the slave trade and the middle passage were blatant lies created by the government to eradicate the indigenous people via paper genocide, illegally seize their assets and redistribute them for political gain and power.