The hidden agenda behind overturning Roe v. Wade; this is only the beginning

The overturning Roe v. Wade is another example of Uncle Sam raping us of our rights and fu*king us over without consent.

You continuously subject yourself to this sodamy in the name of patriotism, but he never reciprocates your love.

And if you get pregnant, he guilts you into keeping a baby that you may not be financially, mentally, emotionally or physically able to care for.

Then he looks down on you, talks sh*t about you, and turns his back on you when you need child support. Sorry Uncle Sam, but you can’t have it both ways.

Follow the money:

Uncle Sam doesn’t give a fu*k about you. To him, you’re nothing but a paycheck; and the more children you have, the more cheap labor and steady streams of taxable income he has in the form of human commodities to finance his business endeavors.

That was the business model of the European colonists who illegally seized this land, and it hasn’t changed.

The United States is still a corporation, Uncle Sam is still a businessman and the American people, as well as the immigrants he imports are still nothing more than human commodities exploited for cheap labor.

Natural law predates and supersedes man’s law, or government.

One’s right to body autonomy, marital affairs, family planning and lineage aren’t diplomatic matters. Any argument to the opposition, is an argument in favor of the abolition of our freedom, and goes against everything this country was allegedly founded on.

Our natural rights, which includes our right to self preservation and body autonomy, exist with or without the blessing of the government or the consensus of a majority vote.

Exemptions to body autonomy:

Is being a woman yet another medical and social pre-existing condition? 

Is being a woman an exemption to the right to body autonomy? 

Absolutely not. Neither you, your dirty Uncle Sam, your fellow man, or even an unborn child has the right to infringe on a woman’s Constitutional Right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness;” 

Nor do any of us have the power to declare an unborn child’s right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” to be more important than the mother’s.

Women have a right to privacy too:

You don’t know whether or not the mother is mentally, financially, physically or emotionally stable enough to raise a child; and you shouldn’t know because it’s none of your business. Women have a right to privacy too.

Whether or not you consider a fetus a human; whether or not abortion fits your moral construct; whether or not you deem it to be unethical; and whether or not it contradicts your religious beliefs.

Loss of body autonomy: where do we draw the line?:

Mandating that prisoners, detainees, those on public assistance, soon to be universal income, and newborns submit DNA samples for the purpose of gene editing  “for the greater good?”

Vasectomies for “blacks,” or American Indians who are already systemically, wrongfully arrested and exploited as another source of cheap labor in the prison system to substitute income lost with the abolition of slavery?

Mandating we become lab rats by subjecting us to medical procedures, vaccinations and food additives that could potentially manipulate our DNA with no regard for our health because it’s what’s in the best interests of the shareholders, most notably the pharmaceutical and food corporations?

Will the government have ownership of our DNA after it mandates that we submit it? Will the government be restricted on how our DNA can be used? 

Will the government have the power to alter our DNA if it can come up with a “legitimate” reason? Will we still be considered human afterwards? Will the government then be able to patent us after doing so as it does other living organisms?

Prerequisite for population control?:

Will it be illegal for those with bad genes or character flaws to have the right to have children?

Is this another targeted attempt to create a master race and perpetuate white privilege to secure their position as the ruling class? 

Will laws dictate who has the right to continue the human race, narrowing your pool of potential partners; and indirectly legalizing racism, ageism, sexism and virtually every other “ism” that you can think of in the name of sustainability?

Will the government  have the power to impose a limit or maximum on the number of children a family can have, which could lead to the extinction of your family’s bloodline? 

Will “family” be redefined by introducing legislation that dictates who will and will not have the right to marry?

Will procreation be restricted to producing superhuman commodities based on the country’s needs for labor based on its love of money, with no regard for the love you have for your spouse?

Will it be legal to force or forbid coupling with no regard for ones sexual preference?

Do you find any of  this hard to fathom knowing that prominent advocates for the eugenics movement and population control are funding the government; as well the major pharmaceutical and mechanically engineered “food” corporations in the name of philanthropy?

To the oligarchy, most of us are nothing more than obsolete cogs in a system that they’re trying to upgrade as we undergo the next Reconstruction Era. They’re rolling out the latest  Artificial Intelligence, pushing us towards transhumanism for any chance of competing with it, and moving towards survival of the preselected, damn the fittest.

Course of action:

Dirty Uncle Sam isn’t a devine supreme being endowed with the power to rule over us as God.

Government is supposed to be limited, but it’s trespassing on our God given Rights. 

For committing such heinous acts  “It is the right of the people to alter and abolish it, and to institute a new government” according to The Declaration of Independence.

It’s our civic duty to overthrow the government, before we let it overturn Roe v. Wade.