How gun reform is a targeted attack on our freedom and the ultimate act of terrorism

Fu*king us over and raping us of our God given right to protect ourselves will inevitably lead to the abortion of our freedom.

And submitting to sodamy under duress for the sake of survival is NOT informed consent.

How the government’s plan of attack is hidden in plain sight: 

Politicians strategically disseminate deceptive information to the public using political jargon that requires insider information to decipher, comprehend or challenge.

Without this insight, a negative outcome is inevitable because the general public is easily susceptible to manipulation via wordplay that’s tactically miscommunicated.

Resulting in the voluntary forfeiture of our rights and an uncontested totalitarian government.

The government’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s):

The government enlists academic institutions for the purpose of social engineering and deploys the media to shape public opinion using political propaganda. 

It then triggers and exploits the emotional vulnerabilities it creates by introducing legislation that dictates we barter our freedoms for protection from illegitimate fears in its pursuit of absolute power and control over its human resources, or the American people.

Deciphering the government encrypted bullsh*t: political jargon decoded

“Gun control”, or “gun reform” if they want to appear non threatening to appeal to the masses, is legislation that renders the American people defenseless victims of tyranny by making it illegal for us to protect ourselves from the militia.

The same militia that’s simultaneously being equipped with heavier military grade weapons to turn against unarmed American citizens who serve as the greatest threat to its power.

Giving what’s supposed to be limited government, uncontested power to control us by explicitly using excessive force with little to no consequences under the illusion of putting America’s nearly non-existent, isolated shootings in remission while failing to treat the root causes of them.

Land of the free, or land for the taking?:

How can we proclaim America to be “the land of the free,” if we’re denied the most basic freedom of all: the freedom to protect ourselves from tyranny?

Unless your idea of freedom is a nation state of drones subject to anti-social isolation and unlimited social credits granted for compliance to be used as the government dictates. Where your only viable options are: to be free to be whatever the government dictates you be, or be canceled.

Contrary to what the media leads you to believe:

America is safer than it’s ever been.

We don’t have an epidemic of gun violence. We have a government politicizing isolated incidents to disarm everyone but it’s hired hitmen.

We wouldn’t be having this debate if we were educated on the tyrannical consequences seen by countries that have had their right to bear arms revoked, rather than indoctrinated to blindly obey and appeal to authority, and to rely on the government for security in every sense of the word. 

Lets not forget, we enacted the right to bear arms to protect us from our corrupt government, not our neighbors, who the government tries to get us to alienate and fear in order to divide and conquer.

Thought exercise: 

What if we could see past the political propaganda?

What if we knew that the government is legally obligated to operate in the best interests of its shareholders, bearing in mind that our families are NOT on the board?

What if we knew that the government is an arms dealer, and profits from flooding our blocks with the same weapons that it pretends to be trying to protect us from?

What if we knew that the government has and will turn those weapons against us the second we have a conflict of interest, especially if it affects its bottomline. When it does, we’ll be unable to defend ourselves, our families and anything we stand for?

What if we knew that after our freedom is aborted, it will NOT be resuscitated.

What if we acted on what we knew?

This is psychological warfare:

Uncle Sam has mastered the art of mindfu*king us by ejaculating seductive wordplay and penetrating our deepest fears until we come to believe that he’s the only one who can protect us.

He’ll say and do anything to keep us completely dependent on him to maintain power over us.

We’re being fu*ked over in an abusive relationship with our dirty Uncle Sam, making “the land of the free” fertile for domestic terrorism.